Info  PR: n/a I: 177 L: 0 LD: 0 I: 33 Rank: 8982297 Age: July 25, 2002 I: 0 whoissourceRobo: yesSitemap: no Rank: 986574 Price: 72 Density
Gemstone Kumihimo Necklace Kits
$29.99 each

[Amazonite Kumihimo Gemstone Necklace Kit]
[Aventurine Kumihimo Gemstone Necklace Kit]
[Blackstone Kumihimo Gemstone Necklace Kit]
[Carnelian Kumihimo Gemstone Necklace Kit]
[Cherry Quartz Kumihimo Gemstone Necklace Kit]
Cherry Quartz
[Citrine Kumihimo Gemstone Necklace Kit]
[Fluorite Kumihimo Gemstone Necklace Kit]
[Mookaite Kumihimo Gemstone Necklace Kit]
[Picture Jasper Kumihimo Gemstone Necklace Kit]
Picture Jasper
[Rose Quartz Kumihimo Gemstone Necklace Kit]
Rose Quartz
[Sodalite Kumihimo Gemstone Necklace Kit]
[Tiger Eye Kumihimo Gemstone Necklace Kit]
Tiger Eye
To see a larger photo of the individual gemstone strands/necklaces, click on the photo and it will open in a new window.

As you can see, I've been working hard to try to make a sample of each one to show how beautiful they are.
Almost finished in time which shows how easy they are to make. If I can make this many in about 5 evenings
(the only time I had to work on them), you'll have no trouble finishing this project.
And I'll be posting more info about how to embellish them and add even more fiber. They are sooo pretty!
To read more about them, click on the Amazon link.

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